domenica 23 marzo 2025

In da club - session 2

 The second session starts with the party discussing their options with Dakota, while the Steel Vacheros (the nomads she is working for) start going through the ambulance and sorting the supplies available in it.

After a few minutes one of the nomads points out that the ambulance still has a tracker pinging in a fixed spot, it looks like the yellow jacket is still, randomly, emitting a signal.

The party decides to follow this lead, even if the day is getting old and everyone is tired after fights and car chases.

The signal brings them to a diner in front of which the edgerunners find an active crime scene with NCPD agents taking notes and asking questions.

The party starts asking questions themselves in and outside the diner with Thronen approaching a cop that almost shoots her, luckily for the rocker the cop's partner knows her music and happens to be a fan, so she can get some precious information regarding a hit happening shortly before at the diner.

In the meantime Maven manages to access the memory of a nearby camera and sees that a biker with red and blue hair on its way to the diner was shot, his bike was hit and crushed close by on the sidewalk. He stumbled to a car parked nearby and broke into it before driving away, while the assailant, showing the "V" tattoo of the Valentinos gang on his neck, kept shooting, killing the two nomads whose car had just been stolen, coincidentally members of the Steel Vacheros.

Checking the tracker device the party sees that the location of the jacket is now in the Glen, an area south of Corpo Plaza, so under the directions of Bluescreen, who is actually just pretending to be able to check the image of the stolen car in the highway camera circuit, with a rental car they go to El Coyote Cojo, a bar known for being neutral territory and therefore safe from shootouts and gang war.

There the party leaves Maven with her sniper rifle to cover the door (just in case) and gets into the bar, Thornen starts talking to Jackie Wells, the son of the owner (Mama Wells) and Bluescreen with Pepe, the barman.

Between them they discover the name of the biker who is in possession of the jacket, Dalton and that he has a girlfriend who busks at a trains station not far from the bar.

While waiting for the others, Maven is approached by a woman who looks very much like a solo, she introduces herself as Maria Torres, she apparently has some beef with Dalton and asks to have him delivered alive to her if the party wants to make some good Eddies. 

The party decides to go to the trains station to look for Dalton's mainline, since this is the only clue they have, they'll hopefully find from her some directions to find the biker.

Here ends the second session.

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