Since all the palyers are new to the game, I didn't need to come up with new ways to start the story, the classic call for a job with a meeting in a tavern worked very well.
The different characters were introduced to each other at the moment of discussing the job.
They all started in Darokin city, every one of them for a different reason.
I'm not a big fan of backstories, I believe that the story is made as the game proceeds, so all I needed from the players was a reason to be there.
The characters and their motives are the following:
- Billston Bearcharger, a half elf ranger with his dog Ralph was raised by a druid on the border of Elfeim, land of those who would never fully accept him.
When the Elfeim was overrun by the shadow elves, Bill had to flee and ended up looking for adventure and wealth in Darokin city.
- Tayla Naleana, a very young rogue who grew up an orphan in Darokin city and learned to steal in order to survive.
- Magnus, a former warrior who saw his life destroyed when a man killed his dog with a strange looking weapon that could give death at a distance, emitting a lot of noise and smoke. After this terrible experience, on the brink of insanity, the man was visited in a dream by Pflarr, a divine creature with the head o a Jackal, who gave him magical powers and the mision to find the killer of his dog and spread his word and faith all over the world.
- Aemilianus, a young Glantrian wizard who managed to survivive the war with Alphatia and fled his land in search of magical knowledge and power.
The party, from left to right, Bill, Tayla, Magnus and Aemilianus.
The job that the party took, from a merchant named Paddywinkle, consisted in finding and exploring a lost tower in order to find the diary of e wizard rumored to be researching a salve to cure all diseases.
During the trip to find the tower, Magnus and Tayla started to be
haunted by horrible nightmares involving a misty and scary land that
none of them could recognize.
The actual "mission" was a real grind, it took longer than expected and it involved fighting many undead and overcoming sunk and mud filled rooms.
The last part of the adventure involved entering a collapsed tower half sunk in mud.
Aemilianus, not the strongest member of the party, didn't manage to get into the tower and had to leave his companions and stay behind.
Durig the exploration, Tayla suddenly had interest picked by a statue partially submerged in mud, but as soon as she touhed it, the stone figure started moving and turned out to be a gargoyle.
A terrible fight started, Tayla fought with a magical mace she had recently found, while Magnus and Bill realized their mundane weapons were useless against the monster. Ufortunately the thief's efforts to overcome the monster were shortly interrupted by claws, fangs and horns and she perished in a very un-heroic manner.
Using the magical weapon that she dropped Bill managed to kill the gargoyle and him and Magnus could finally reach the last room where they found a strange looking undead wizard sitting with a big tome on his lap.
The undead, wielding magical powers, teleported the disturbing adventurers back to the main part of the tower, where they reunited with Aemilianus and had to figure a new way to approach the evil creature and obtain the diary.
Once they managed to get to the wizard room again, the heroes fought bravely and, one by one, were put out of action until, with a last, might blow of his mace, Magnus overcame his foe and obtained the goal of their quest.
Magnus managed to drag the badly wounded bodies of Aemilanus and Bill to a more secure area of the tower, but in the meantime had to fight the re-animated body of Tayla that had turned into a disgusting zombie.
After yet another couple of days, the remaining members of the party were fit to travel back to Darokin city. Unfortunately, upon returning to the capital, the characters found out that Peddywinkle had left the city and left a message telling them to find him in the town of Nolivari.
This is it for this post, the story will continue in future ones, and as we get closer to the present it will be more detaild and complete.
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