domenica 20 gennaio 2019

Back to life

I finally decided to try and resuscitate this blog.

Since last time I posted something I had some major changes, I now live in Edmonton Alberta, Canada, and have a new job and a quite different life.
One thing that didn't change, though, is my passion for RPG and miniatures and, after two years, I finally have a new stable campaign going and I decided should try to chronicle it again.

The main differences are, first, that I play and DM in english, hence the choice to change the blog entries to this language, second the ruleset, now we are using second edition AD&D.
The main reason behind this choice is that I mainly own material for this edition and it is the one i know and like the most.
I could spend hours explaining why I'm not into newer editions, but to cut it short, I'm old and still like the stuff I started playing with ages ago, so if the players are ok with it, why change?

With a couple difficult starts, we finally managed to get a campaign going and now all PCs are third level or so, in the next post I will briefly explain where we started and where we are now and then, same as years ago, I'll try to make a small post after every session explaining what happened and where the story is at.

I hope the few paople that once followed this blog will start again and that this campaign will go on at least as long as the previous one.

for now it's all I have, let see where we go from here.

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